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Get Pregnant with List of Foods that Shrink Fibroid, and Balance Hormones

Here are list of foods that are healing, immune balancing, hormone modulating and anti-inflammatory: Remember that the more organic, the better because synthetic fertilizers contain organophosphates which are estrogens. Also avoid vegetables contaminated by dioxins, pesticides, insecticides, mycoestrogens from peanuts, cashew nuts, Brazil nuts, pecans because all contain mold.

Eat non-sugary fruits and vegetables like watercress, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, romaine lettuce, kale, collard greens, beet greens, turnip greens, dandelion greens, tomatoes, okra, cucumbers, red potatoes, peppers (field peppers, bell peppers), cayenne peppers, grapefruit, lemon juice, limes, blue berries, egg plants, asparagus and curry. Organic egg is good. Cod liver oil is excellent, coconut oil is great. Fresh red palm oil is wonderful. Avoid vegetable oils like corn oil, safflower, sunflower oil, peanut oil. Olive oil should be used in moderation (organic extra virgin, cold-pressed olive oil).

Drink a lot of alkaline water. Eight cups a day is a good start. Stop all sodas. I use glacier water from vending machine. Publix and Food Depot have theirs. A gallon is like 30 cents. And avoid anything to do with tap water. Take herb or green teas. Avoid coffees.

Candida and colon cleanse is necessary apart from liver and kidney detoxification.

Birth control pills contain estrogen as well as soy milk isoflavons and genisten, flax seed lignans are all forms of plant estrogens that make fibroids grow. So avoid them. Meat and dairy are laden with too much hormones (estrogens that make beef grow). Sea foods and contaminated fishes that eat them are also full of chemicals and heavy metals. Hence aggressive cleansing is necessary with treatment.

Here are the list of herbs/vegetables to avoid: Anise, hops, fennel, black cohosh,
milk thistle, clover, red clover, Donq Quai, licorice, ginseng, royal jelly, peony, nettle, sage, fenugreek, evening primrose oil, burdock, rhubarb, chamomile, sarsaparilla, French bean, date palm, dates, garlic, pomegranate, apple, soybean, chick pea, cherry, alfalfa, soya sprouts, cow pea, green beans, red beans, split pea, flaxseed, raspberry, carrot, squash, thyme and parsley.

Avoid all forms of processed and fragmented foods like commercial pounded yams, cookies, bubble gums, commercial sweeteners, table salt or sugar., potato chips, white pasta, white rice, fried stuff (French fries, fried plantains, fried onions, fried meats), commercial fruit juices, sodas and other chemicalized soft drinks, soymilk, bread with yeast and gluten, cow milk, bagels, canned and packaged foods, raisins and dried fruits, cheese, butter, margarine, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, trans fats, lards, commercial cereals, hot dogs, sausages, bacons, apple pies, moon pies and pizzas. Just to name a few. Eat farm fresh foods, raw living foods and sprouts prepared by you.

Stress also makes fibroid to grow as well as obesity. Weight loss is recommended because fat cells are tiny estrogen factories. Estrogen provoke fibroids which in turn secret more estrogen which can prevent a woman from getting pregnant.


Inability to Get Pregnant and Uterine Fibroids

Infertility or inability to get pregnant could be caused by uterine fibroids. Fibroid growth causes about 5% of infertility in women hindering them from getting pregnant and conceiving a baby. Fibroids are classified as one of the women fibrosis diseases including endometriosis, ovarian cysts, tubal adhesions, and adenomyosis.

Fibroid increases the risk of not getting pregnant in 3 ways:
  • .Depending on the size and position of the fibroids within the uterus, they can hinder implantation of a fertilized ovum. This is especially true of sub-mucous fibroid.
  • They can get inflammed, causing scarring, pain and fibrosis distorting the architecture of the uterine cavity and provoking tubal adhesions and blockage--which increases the risk of not getting pregnant at all or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Fibroid can worsen the hormonal imbalance or estrogen excess that created it in the first place. The fibroid itself can make more estrogens like fat cells which further goes to create more vicious cycle that complicates infertility.
  • Even when the woman becomes pregnant, fibroids can cause spontaneous abortion in early first trimester. Recurrent early trimester abortion has been classified as infertility as such a risk factor for not getting pregnant by a women in her reproductive period.


Getting Pregnant, Endometriosis, Pau D'arco and Combating Infertility

Endometriosis is one of the common women fibrotic diseases. Meaning that fibrosis and inflammation are central to the disease mechanism. As such, pain and menstrual bleeding are symptoms of this disease. Endometriosis is a common organic cause of infertility in women. Doctors have treated it by surgery, steroids, lupron and pain killers like aspirin, ibuprofen and advil without much success.

Endometriosis occurs when tissues from the inner covering of the uterus or tissues resembling the uterine lining grow outside of the uterus, usually within or adjacent pelvic area, but sometimes spreading to distant organs or tissures of the body as well. This displaced tissue gets inflammed, swells and bleeds wherever it is deposited with every monthly cycle, just as if it were uterine tissue in normal location. This can cause unbearable pain, nausea, heavy menstrual periods, painful intercourse, and unfortunately, infertility. Diagnosis is sometimes difficult, as the symptoms imitate other female fibrotic diseases, such as uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary disease, adenomyosis, irregula menses, endometrial hyperplasia, and PMS (with painful menstruation).

The root cause of endometriosis has not been explored. It has been difficult to determine what causes an endometrial tissues or cells to migrate elsewhere within the human body. There are many unproven theories. However, there are many predisposing or contributory risk factors that have been explained. These include inflammatory foods or drinks like excessive alcohol intake, coffee consumption, hormone imbalances, estrogen excess, progesterone deficiency, distress, low blood glucose, and a deficiency of essential minerals like zinc and magnesium within the body, as well as genetic predisposition. Estrogen mimics like Dioxin and PCB absorption into the body are also contributing risk factors. Dioxins come from bleaching agents, and it is found in everything from processed foods to vaginal tampons.

Natural remedies and Herb combinations have proven to be very beneficial in treating many cases of endometriosis, in non-emergency cases. natural remedy does not always eliminate causes and symptoms of endometriosis, however, given the nature of the disease, herbs should always be coupled with wholistic nutritional, psycho-spiritual pain management and support. Natural remedies are slow, steady and sustained, and should be continued for a length of time to experience maximum benefit. Therefore, you have to be patient and persistent.

The endometriosis patient should change to natural whole food therapy and lifestyle changes by introducing raw, living and green super foods. Animal flesh and fats are toxic to the human specie and can cause inflammation and aggravation of pain sensations. Meats are full of growth hormones and also absorb dioxins, so do your best to avoid fatty meats. Cut down on meat, chicken and turkey. Eat plenty of fresh green leafy vegetables and whole unprocessed grains, as well living foods like sprouts. Avoid the aggravating factors like coffee, alcoholic beverages, fried foods, processed or fast sugars, and chemicalized or packaged foods. Daily dietary supplements should include bee products, vitamins E, vitamin C with citrus bioflavanoids, vitamin A (with Beta carotenes), and adequate dose of vitamin D, bioflavanoids, Essential fatty acids like chia seed oil, and evening primrose oil.

Liver and colon detoxification and cleansing may be necessary to eliminate bioaccummulated toxins. Also engage in light fast of about three days or so, to help cleanse the body and support the liver during treatment. The liver deals with the excess estrogen that is believed to be a causative agent or major contributing factor to endometriosis, so the over-worked liver needs to be supported and detoxified continuosly during treatment.

Start with a liver cleansing herb in combination. Look for supplements that combine milk thistle, dandelion, pau d'arco, yarrow, burdock root and beet root.

You can add black cohosh and essential fatty acids with evening primerose to combat excess estrogen, menstrual pain and inflammation. Wild yam, vitex and sarsaprilla are added to boost progesterone to balance excess estrogen levels.

The new treatment that seem to address all the concerns, causative risk factors, contributing factors and symptoms of endometriosis is systemic (proteolytic) enzymes like nattokinase and serrapeptase. They are anti-oxidative, blood-cleansing, anti-inflammatory, fibrosis combating, immune-modulating and hormone-balancing--among other side benefits. They are sometimes the only remedy for the pain and discomfort when nothing else works. They have been used in opening up a blocked fallopian tube even when surgeries failed or are contra-indicated. They have also been used to prevent recurrent miscarriages which is a type of inflammation leading to fetal rejection. Women with 3 or more miscarriages are classified as infertile.

Get Pregnant by Finding and Fixing Hormonal Imbalance, the Cause of Infertility

The unexplained cause infertility or sub-fertility is the delicate hormonal imbalance of a women in her reproductive period of life. This is the time frame between menarche (first mensis) and menopause when (mensis cease). In men this period is ill-defined and we tend to called it andropause. Majority of infertility other causes are secondary to hormonal imbalance due to bad estrogen (estradiol, E2) dominance over progesterone (hormone of pregnancy or reproduction) or testosterone (controls sexual libido in both men and women). Elevated estrogen also stimulate the pathological rise of another anti-fertility hormone called prolactin (the hormone that prevents pregnancy during lactation). Elevated estradiol also tend to raise another hormone produced by the adrenals called cortisol (a stress hormone along with epinephrine and norepinephrine). Cortisol can raise the level of insulin and can also cause testosterone to be converted to the hormone of hair loss dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is five times more potent than testosterone. DHT along with estrogen (estradiol) are free-radical-generating, inflammatory, auto-immune-generating and fibrosis-striving.

All these hormones are in turn controlled by the brain in a cascade of musical orchestra called the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis (the gonads are sex organs like ovaries in females or testicles in men) Therefore, mental stress or psycho-spiritual factors can cause infertility by distrupting the delicate and intricate hormonal cascade sketched out above.

Let's not forget thyroid hormone in the infertility equation. The thyroid is the butterfly-shaped organ just below the so called Adam's apple (the thyroid cartilage prominence). Estradiol again prevents the uptake of thyroid hormone and prevents thyroid hormone (T4) from being converted to T3 (triidothyronine) the active hormone responsible for metabolism, mood, heat and temperature regulation--among other numerous function. If the thyroid hormone is low, it will signal the body to stop pregnancy and miscarriage may result.
Don't forget the biggest internal organ in the body called the liver. The liver even controls ovulation according to Chinese medicine. This organ is central to hormonal balance and regulation in the human body. All steroid (sex) hormones are made from cholesterol 80% of which is made by the liver. Therefore, proper functioning liver is critical for conception and overall health without which conception cannot happen. The liver eliminates excess estrogen from the body after it has done its job. The liver is like the president of the body and tend to correct derangement of other hormones when it is in top form and function. That's why it's called the liver.
The key in healing infertility is not just eliminating estrogen excess (or progesterone deficiency) but balancing all the hormones because the body craves balance and nature tends towards wholeness. Therefore the treatment of infertility must involve a multi-pronged approach based on wholistic view of the inter-play of all the sex hormones.

Liver friendly diet is the first line of action in correcting hormonal imbalance. This include wholesome living foods, green super foods (cereal grasses) and raw uncooked foods (avocado, tomatoes, mangoes, sprouts, green leavy vegetables) that are rich in enzymes. I have seen raw foods correct hormonal imbalance even without supplements Supplements are necessary but are not substitute for whole unfragmented, unprocessed super food that nourish the body and prime it for fertility ready to carry a baby.

Supplements that correct the hormonal imbalance include magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B-complex especially B6. They also help the detoxification work of the liver along with taurine, choline, lecithin, milk thistle, yellow dock, and dandelion. Estrogen cleanse is a supplement combination of 9 herbs and vitamins that you can use to cleanse excess estradiol and keep your hormones in balance. The ingredients include vitamin C, choline barbiturate, folate, vitamin B12, B6, Diindolylmethane (DIM), d-calcium glucarate, chrysin, and rosemary.
Other psycho-spiritual approaches to reverse infertility is to control stress and distress since the body reacts to stress in the same fashion regardless of the cause: emotional, relational, nutritional, mental, toxic, or physical stress. Support and tender loving care can go a long way in reversing infertility and enhancing fertility as well as conception.

Uzo Onukwugha, MD is a wholistic nutrition-oriented physician who seeks natural remedies to health challenges. For more informatin on how to reverse infertility, boost fertility and conceive a healthy baby, see his website at:


Get Pregnant Fast with EDTA Chelation

One of the leading causes of inability to get pregnant which is unknown in orthodox medicine is artherosclerosis, calcification and solidification of the ovaries. Plaques tend to accumulate with age and must be cleaned if the woman must improve her chances of getting pregnant.

Let me tell you a little about toxin build-up in the body.  With the aging process, the ovaries begin to shut down because of poor blood, less oxygen and nutrient supply. You could say that the ovary is dying of starvation and suffocation. Any nutrient deficient cell is an inefficient and weak cell. As time progresses, the weaker cell is malnourished begin to accumulate more toxins due to lack of drainage. This is because 85% of cellular energy is used for detoxification and drainage which requires a lot of enzymes, nutrients and oxygen. When a gland like the ovary is deprived of nutrients, it begins to slow down to preserve energy leading to further build-up of toxins and debris. This process must be reversed by EDTA chelation, raw food, enzymes, anti-oxidants, alkaline food and adequate oxygenation.

What are heavy metals? Well heavy metals are minerals which are 5,000 times heavier than specific gravity of water. They build-up with time and contaminate our environment, body, soil, food, water and drink. They include lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and nickel--to mention a few. Aaluminium is not a heavy metal but behave as such. Heavy metals cause oxidation, plaques, deplete enzymes, disrupt metabolism, and slow down cellular structure and function causing stagnation. Calcium behaves a heavy metal in an acidic body. Calcium causes artheroslcerosis and calcification of organs and blood vessels thereby compromising their functions. In short, all heavy metal accelerate the aging process and cause hormonal imbalance which is a factor in getting pregnant.

According to Life Extension Foundation, aging is characterized by inflammation, glycosylation and mitochondrial degeneration. These three factors are also seen in the bio-accummulation of arteriosclerotic plaques in the body which affects the woman's physiology and inability to get pregnant. This is because the ovary is hidden in the pelvic cavity and is subject to poor circulation. Heavy metal build-up is part of  atheromatous plaques hindering maturation and release of eggs from the ovaries.
  1. Inflammation is a fancy way of saying the the body is burning (acid burns) within and need alkaline food to neutralize.
  2. Glycosylation or glycation is non-enzymatic oxidation of proteins and fats by sugar molecules. Pretty much like a barbecued meat that was roasted on fire. This shortens the length of the telomere much like eating away the plastic end of your shoe lace.
  3. Mitochondrial degeneration shows that the power house of the cell where energy is produced is gradually decaying. This leads to lack of force or energy to run the metabolism of the body.
Remember that with the aging process, a woman continues to lose eggs daily regardless of conception or no conception. Build up of plaques make the issue worse especially with the woman not associating fertility with eating healthy food. Acidic food, hormones and calcium buildup also lead to inflammation and infertility.

Oral chelation can clean-up of the arteries which can restore circulation and clean the ovaries so that they can start performing once more. In addition to chelation, the infertile woman must switch over to alkaline diet. Full of raw green super foods, sprouts, living food and aggressive supplementation with EDTA, malic acid, NAC and selenium. Zinc is also a heavy metal antagonist and must be taken along with magnesium to balance the hormone also. Heavy metal pollution tend to disrupt the body's delicate hormonal balance. Hormonal balance is necessary to achieve and sustain pregnancy. Synergistic combination of zinc, magnesium and B6 can balance hormones. These supplements are not substitutes to wholesome food intake to help restore the ovaries for vibrant reproductive health. Introduce raw salads like spinach, watercress, tomatoes, bitters, sweet potatoes, fibers and green super foods.

For more information, on how to get pregnant fast, see the pregnancy miracle.


How to Get Pregnant by Changing your Brain Wiring and Psychology

"Everything starts with thinking. Thinking is everything and the brain relays and replays the message accordingly. I if you don't have the right phillosophy, you cannot have the right psychology (mind-set, emotions and volition). Getting pregnant starts with right thinking about conception, pregnancy and reproduction. The law of process first demands that you have to get pregnant in your head before you carry the baby in your hands. The brain feeds on information and the right information is transformation just as the greatest prescription is knowledge." --Uzo Onukwugha, MD

I talked to a lady yesterday looking for the fruit of the womb. She became interested in what I had to say about the brain and how to get pregnant. I was telling her how psychology affect the mind, the mood and the emotions. That Chinese doctors believe that a doctor would rather treat ten men than one woman. This is because of complexity and inter-play of delicate women hormone modulation. That a woman's greatest conception organ is her brain and that the brain controls everything. I further told her that even mental stress can shut down a woman's ability to get pregnant. The long distance phone line cut and she called me back almost immediately because she wanted to her more.

A doctor who evaluated me for not getting pregnant told me something about the brain and ovulation: "Your brain is not giving your ovaries instructions to release enough eggs from your ovaries and that's why you are not getting pregnant."

I told her that the doctor was right on the spot. We now know about psyo-endocrinology. This is a fancy way of saying that the release of the eggs by reproductive organs (the gonads) are controlled by the emotional brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus releases a hormone called GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing-hormones) which in turn stimulate the pituitary gland at the base of the brain to release FSH and LH both of which stimulate the maturation and release of both the egges (seed of the woman) and the sperms (seed of the man).

Follicle stimulating hormone does what the name suggests: it stimulates the maturation of ovarian follicles which are cells surrounding the immature eggs in the ovary.FSH also timulates the ovary to make estrogen whicn in turn make the eggs to grow and mature with the ovary. FSH helps to mature and get the eggs ready and LH surge in mid-cycle for a woman with regular 28 day cycle helps to release the eggs. And if you can't mature and release the eggs, you cannot get pregnant. On the other hand, the man needs LH to stimulate testosterone which in turn stimulate the production and maturation of viable sperm in the testicles affecting male potency.

Just to give you a glimpse of what the brain can do to influence your getting pregnant biochemically, physiologically and psychologically. Know that you can only materialize what you mentalized. You have to change your mental concepts about getting pregnant upstairs first before you get pregnant physically in your womb. The mind is the man and where the mind goes, the man follows. Therefore, change what you are thinking, what you're saying, eating and drinking if you must get pregnant. In success, everything counts.


Getting Pregnant by Reversing Endometriosis with Pau D'arco and Natural Remedies

How to Get Pregnant with Pau D'arco and Combat Endometriosis and Infertility

This edometriosis article centers around pau d'arco and why it is used as a medicinal plant to treat endometriosis and reverse one of the common causes of inability of a woman to get pregnant. Then I will examine how pau d'arco can help reverse infertility, boost fertility and enhance the ability of a woman to get pregnant.

Pau D'arco Described

Pau D'Arco is extracted from the inner bark of Tabebuia trees that grows in the rain forest of both Central and South America. The tree is a hard wood and tend to withstand harsh weather conditions. The main active ingredients are the quinones such as napthaquinones, naphthofurandiones, anthroquinones and lapachol which is well-known. Pau D'Arco has been consumed by the natives to help promote wellness on a number of levels. More recent scientific research indicate that Pau D'Arco helps to support healthy bacteria intestinal flora. It has also been recommeded that Pau D'Arco may assist the body in supporting healthy cell growth and possesses powerful antioxidant properties among other uses.

Pau d'arco come in different formulations and are very popular herb preparation sold in many health food stores across the nation and the internet. It is marketed alone or in combination as a liver tonic, blood cleanser, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer agent. Therefore, pau d'arco can be used in any condition where there is abnormal growth in the body. By the way, any growth, tumors, cysts, diverticulosis, warts or swelling in the body is abnormal and can be dissolved using the inner bark where the active ingredient is concentrated. This is where the use of pau d'arco in treating endometriosis kicks in.

The general ingredient responsible for therapeutic action of pau d'arco is a class of compounds called naphthoquinones which comes from the whole pieces of the inner back. The more popular lapachol is just an isolate from this bunch. Many herbalists prefer the main active ingredient than the extract believing that they may miss other undiscovered healing nutrients.


Endometriosis Explained

Endometriosis is the the medical name given to the abnormal deposition of the uterine lining (or seedlings) elsewhere inside the body other than inside the uterus. Endometrium is the carpet or rug that lines inside of the womb which makes it thick, nice, rosy and juicy for implantation of the fertilized egg if conception happens to occur; If not, the body sheds it every month as menstrual bleeding. And the cycle begins again for another opportunity to get pregnant during the reproductive period of a woman's life (this is the time interval between menarche and menopause).

However, when this abnormal endometrial tissue is deposited elsewhere for some unknown reasons, disease and danger strikes. Some natural physicians believe that the lymphatic system metastasis is involved in the spread without grounds to their assertions. However, these abnormal seedlings could be deposited in any organ like the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the uterine cervix, the vagina, peritoneum, umblical cord stump, adjacent bladder, colorectal region, small intestines, liver, kidneys or even as far as the brain.
In these areas, it does worst than when it is at its normal location: there is free-radical release, oxidative stress, tissue inflammation, unbearable pains, vaginal bleeding, irregular menses, menorrhagia, pelvic bloating, cyst formation, fibrosis, scarring, hormonal imbalance, infections, secondary ovarian failure and of course, infertility. These nasty symptoms coincides with the menstrual cycle as expected. Some of these symptoms may continue even after the woman's monthly cycle.

When you see a suffix at the end of a word ending with " --osis" or "--itis" you know that inflammation is at the heart beat of the problem. Of course excess estrogen levels (estradiol is the bad estrogen) are elevated and contribute to oxidative damage, inflammations, pain sensation and fibrosis and scar tissue build-up. To add to the vicious cycle, the abnormal endometrial tissues also secret more estrogen named estradiol which in turn provoke more inflammation, immune reaction, tissue fibrosis, multiple ovarian cysts, scar tissues formation, and hormonal imbalance and inability to get pregnant. Taking pau d'arco tea taken 3 or 4 times a day may addres many of these symptoms with time.


Health Benefits of Pau D'arco and Why it Can Heal Enodmetriosis

Pau D'arco is anti-inflammatory, immune modifying, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic and hormone modulating. Pau d'arco also help in the detoxification work of the liver and it's a well-known blood purifier. It can also kill candida albicans which is a common cause or contributor to leaky gut syndrome, auto-immune disorders, systemic inflammation, degenerative diseases, itching and pain of various intensities. Therefore, anti-yeast therapy is vital for the healing of many tissues regardless of the cause
As mentioned before, researchers have equated pau d'arco with some potent anti-fungal pharmaceuticals like ketoconazole. As such it can be used to cure fungal infections both systemic and local as vaginal douche application to cure vaginal candidiasis. Most herbalists suggest a vaginal tea douches for this purpose. The anti-inflammatory and anti-candidiasis actions seem to restore the lining of the vagina back to normal anatomy and physiology. As regards to genital warts, direct application of pau d'arco ointment or tincture allows the anti-viral principle in the inner bark to work directly on the affected tissues and kill the virus.

In short pau d'arco could be used to support a sluggish liver, cleanse the blood, reverse inflammation, eliminate abnormal growth, tumor overgrowth and cysts may be associated with endometriosis.
As always, combine pau d'arco with other synergistic herbs to get better therapeutic effect because natural remedies tend to work as team. It makes sense to combine pau d'arco with progesterone enhancing herbs like sarsaparilla, chaste berry (vitex) and Ayurvedic herb called ashwagandha. Pau d'arco deals with the cyst formation and tissue overgrowth related to endometriosis while sarsaparilla help raise the level of progesterone to balance estrogen excess which often goes with symptoms of endometriosis. Ashwagandha is well-know in Ayurvedic medicine of India as an adaptogenic herb that modulates adrenal stress and reduce the effect of cortisol excess; again helping with hormonal imbalance. For extra therapeutic benefit and more hormone balancing effects, most herbalists go extra mile to add herbs like ginger, turmeric, cayenne, golden seal, gentian, false unicorn, uva ursi, crampbark, and blessed thistle. Massive doses of vitamin C with citrus bioflavanoids are recommended for anti-oxidant  protection as well as help modulate the immune system and combat adrenal exhaustion.
Because of it's tumor-shrinking and immune-system modulating effect, some herbalists recommend pau d'arco for strengthening the immune deficiency in cancer, HIV (or AIDS) and chronic fatigue syndrome. However, I believe that systemic (proteolytic) enzymes far better than pau d'arco's role in addressing cancer or endometriosis


Systemic Enzymes--Nattokinase and Serrapeptase are More Effective Than Pau D'arco in Combating the Root Causes and All Major Symptoms of Endometriosis

Systemic enzymes can perfectly in the absence of pau d'arco; but pau d'arco can't work as well in endometriosis without these proteolytic enzymes. Systemic enzymes work far better and quicker to cbombat the root causes of all symptoms characteristic of endometriosis and many women fibrotic diseases that contribute to infertility like fibroids, adenomyosis, endometrial hyperplasia, tubal adhesions, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Having said all this, my favorite for combating all the pains and complications of endometriosis is systemic (proteolytic) enzymes. In fact, without these systemic blend of enzymes, herbs, vitamin supplements and minerals don't work very well. I tend to call them the missing link in the management of endometriosis. They are safe, sustained and very effective--they are systemic enzymes because they work throughout the body organs and systems through the blood circulation. They are proteolytic because they are protein-dissolving enzymes and eat up the fibrin proteins that cause all tissue fibrosis, scarring, pain and inflammations. The two rising stars are serrapeptase and nattokinase which combat free-radical release, oxidative stress, inflammations, fibrosis, pains, blood detoxification, hormone-balancing, tumor-dissolving, immune-modulating, tissue repair and regeneration. I have used these enzymes to dissolve overgrowth in reproductive organs in all women fibrotic diseases like endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary disease, anovulation, lazy ovary and tubal blockage (secondary to adhesions).  Systemic enzymes are also metabolic enzymes that work because they address the main causes and concerns of endometriosis which are inflammation and fibrosis that cause the pain sensations. I have used this set of enzymes to combat infertility. I used these enzymes in addition to herbal bitters like gentian and liver support herbs to help women get pregnant in cases of fallopian tube blockage secondary to fibrotic adhesions.

For the past 40 years or so, doctors in Europe and Japan have used systemic enzymes (nattokinase and serrapeptase) to treat endometriosis long before it entered the United States market. Many doctors are still prescribing out-dated side-effect-prone drugs like danazol and lupron; nasty pain killers like  asprin, ibuprofen,  aleve and advil.  Some are still using steroids which may worsen  infertility symptoms without lasting pain relief. Pau d'arco does not even address the excruciating pain of endometriosis like systemic enzymes.

Pau D'arco Forms, Blends, Potency and Dosages

Pau d'arco can be fashioned in different forms including tablets, tinctures, softgel, capsules, herb teas, liquid, ointment and powder forms. I don't like tinctures because they may contain alcohol; tablets are full of  fillers, and binders; soft gels are encapsulated oils preparations, not common and may not work as well; capsules are reduced powders in gelatin and are not potent; ointment and powders are less common and lose their potency with time. I mentioned most of all these other preparations of pau d'arco to dismiss them. I have tried the capsule and did not notice any difference--I think it was a waste of money.

The only effective preparations are the standardized liquid extract and the tea or dried herbs made from the inner bark where the active ingredient is concentrated. You must drink the tea 3 or 4 times a day before you see great results especially for cancer patients or endometriosis. Note that most formulation from the outer bark is ineffective regardless of dosage. These tend to be cheaper and more common with manufacturers. Be careful in your search and selections.

As I mentioned before, researchers have isolated some powerful anti-infective, anti-inflammatory plant healing chemicals from the Tabebuia trees called naphthoquinones. Of these extracts, lapachol seems to be the most studied Therefore the best formulation for internal complaints are standardized extracts of active ingredients containing 2-7% lapachol which may be difficult to achieve. A more plausible alternative is to have 3% of the more comprehensive naphthoquinones. Some herbalist prefer this formulation and consider it superior because it is a whole compound rather than reduced isolated ingredient which may lack other healing ingredients yet to be identified.

Pau D'arco Drug Herb Interactions and Possible Side Effects

Pau d'arco should not be taken by patients with blood dyscrasias (hemophiliacs, Glucose-6-Phosphate Deficiency), bleeding disease or by those who are taking anti-coagulants like heparin, coumadin, steroids or aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It's because as an anti-inflammatory compound and blood cleanser, pau d'arco also has blood thinning effect.

Under normal dose and circumstances, the tea or supplement is safe, but because of idiosyncratic reactions, some people may complain of stomach upset. They are advised to take it with food instead of empty stomach. However, if stomach upset continues thereafter, stop the herb.

More than therapeutic dose may cause nausea, vomiting and excessive bleeding.

As an exogenous herb, the effect of pau d'arco tend to wean between 6 months to 1 year. Six months is a long time to notice an effect and improvement regardless of treating cancer or endometriosis.

The safety of pau d'arco has not been established in pregnancy, and lactation, avoid during these periods. Also safety standards have not been established in new babies.

Dosage for specific Diseases

For cancer and endometriosis or infertility, take 1 teaspoonful of the standardized liquid extract diluted in water 3 times daily. As for the tea preparation of the inner or the dried leaves, drink a minimum of 3 cups daily. Remember, pau d'arco effects starts kicking in after one month. You have to be patient and persistent.

Also, don't forget that the way of nature is to work as a team. You must take herbal combinations for faster result. For even quicker result, add digestive and systemic enzymes for efficient bioavailability and utilization of nutrients. In fact, without enzymes, all your vitamins, plant nutrients and minerals don't work as well.



I will rather use pau d'arco as one of many supportive herbs or supplements rather than the main treatment for endometriosis or infertility. Usually there are many herbs that can combat stress, hormonal imbalance, inflammation, scarring and pain of endometriosis. Most of these concerns can be addressed with a blend of potent proteolytic (systemic) enzymes containing nattokinase and serrapeptase. Dietry and lifestyle changes is essential in pain management of endometriosis or infertility which is what make people come to hospital to see a doctor. You have to support the enzymes with wholesome alkaline, anti-inflammatory diet of green superfoods, raw fruits and green-leafy vegetables. Stop all inflammatory foods and allergens (allergy causing) like soy products, wheat, dairy, peanuts, sugars of all kinds, hormone-laden meats, junk food, processed foods, packaged foods, crispy and fried foods of all kinds. Prescription drugs are synthetic chemicals that can provoke allergy, inflammation and organ failure especially pain killers can erode your stomach, knock out your kidney and liver. Avoid them at all cost

One of the greatest mistakes people make in endometriosis and infertility is not associating their problems with what they are putting into their mouth. Even food supplements are not food substitutes. Supplements add to your diet and should not exclude adequate nutrition which is the epicenter or health. Even diet comes before detoxification because toxins can cause or aggravate pain of endometriosis. Detoxification cleans all the organs and give them time to heal while removing the road-blocks to natural healing and pain control. Any therapy without nutrition is blind and incomplete medicine.

Getting Pregnant: Why Ovulation Cycle is More Precise Predictor of Fertility and Ability to Get Pregnant

Defining the Ovulation (Fertility) Cycle Versus the Menstrual Cycle

Most women seem to have a good understanding and timing of their menstrual cycle; many are stunned to learn that they know little or nothing about their ovulation or fertility cycle. Many infertile women have not heard or can't even tell the difference between the two.

What's the differnce between the well-known menstraul (or uterine) cycle and the mysterious ovulation (or fertility cycle)?

Menstrual cycle is the uterine cycle or monthly menses

Basically the menstruation refers to the uterine or endometrium and the cycle occurs in three stages:

1. The building stage or the proliferative phase
2. Secretory phase: Hormonal preparation stage for pregnancy
3. Shedding or mentraul phase where you have external bleeding

Ovulation Cycle is the Actual Fertility Cycle

Refers to the stages of development of ovarian follicles to the point of egg release from the ovaries and eventual formation of the corpus luteum.

In nature, this two cycles are inter-connected and run-concurrently together in harmony as in well-timed musical orchestra (all things being equal) to produce female fertility and pregnancy.

However, the subject of this discourse is focused on the less understood ovulation or actual fertility cycle.

In the beginning of a woman's reproductive life Starts in Her Mother's Womb...

A woman's reproductive life begins when she is still in her mother's womb as a fetus precisely sometime between the 14th and 20th week of gestation. At this time all the eggs or oocytes (immature eggs) a woman will ever have in her lifetime are first produced in her ovaries. The number of immature eggs created at this time are estimated to be around 7 million. From this time onward, the eggs continue to diminish in number to such extent that at birth, the baby is left with a couple of million egges in both ovaries. All things being equal, I guess one million eggs a piece for each ovary

Thus a woman is born with a finite bank account of premature eggs in her ovaries. Ovulation, therefore is not the manufacture of more oocyte (primitive eggs) but the maturing and release of already existing eggs.. This is contrary to the male where there is perpetual production and release of sperms regardless of age..

From the onset, the oocytes in the ovaries are surrounded by follicular cells which will nourish the eggs for up to 50 years or more of the womans reproductive life until she passes her menopause. Most follicles are not destined to mature and ovulate, but will die a natural death and be reabsorbed into the substance of ovarian tissue through a process called atresia. It is important to note here that the process of atresia progresses always regardless of pregnancy, use of hormonal contraceptives or menstrual regularity (amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea)--a woman is constantly losing her eggs. This is to such an extent that at menarche (the time of her first mentruation), she only left with about 300,000 immature eggs in both ovaries.

The first day of her menstrual period is counted as cycle Day 1.

The Female Hormone Cascade System

The maturation and release of oocyts (eggs) from the ovaries are controlled by a feedback mechanism of 3 hormones:
  • Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)
  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

The Unexplained Mystery

The primordial follicle..

An oocyte (egg) is always surrounded by resting follicles. A group of primordial or primitive follicles will beging to grow for unexplained reasons. This growth must start from the beginning of the month of the egg's intended release or ovulation. The growth is a process as the follicles go through 4 stages: Primary follicle, Secondary follicle, Tertiary follicle and finally before release, the preovulatory Gradffian follicle estimated to be about 1.5 centimeters wide.

The interesting thing is that the number of these growing follicles is inversely co-related to the woman's age; it means that the younger the woman, the more primordial follicles will begin to mature and be released.

Enter Hormones: Estrogen

Estrogen is secreted by the growing follicular cells, causing a feedback mechanism whereby the level of FSH production is diminished. This appears to select the the strongest eggs from the growing group of follicles. In such a way that at the end of the first week, there is usually one follicle left--the dorminant follicle, much like survival of the fittest. This dorminant follicle is about 8-10 millimeters in size which is abou the size of a small cyst.

This completes what is known as the Follicular Phase of Ovulation and Begins the Luteal Phase. We are now in Cycle Day 14 (mid-cycle for those with regular 28 day cycle)

Enter Hormones: Progesterone

Elevated estrogen levels in the blood stream signal the release or LH surge. This is the same surge that is picked up and detected by your home ovulation predictor kit. LH provokes the follicular cells to start utilization of progesterone, which is being secreted by the ovary.

Approximately, ovulation takes place 36 hours after the start of the surge of LH, about 20 hours from the time of peak blood levels of LH.


After the ovarian follicle opens and releases the egg, a new structure forms with the remains which is now called the corpus luteum. Corpus is Latin for body and luteum means yellow in Latin; so corpus luteum means yellow body structure. The corpus luteum goes into work to produce high levels of progesterone which is necessary to sustain gestation.

Generally, progesterone blood level tend to peak around cycle day 21, and without being signalled by hCG (a hormone secreted by the growing placenta), it will fall rapidly and another follicular phase begins once more. On the other hand, if conception occurs, the corpus luteum will continue to produce progesterone until the placenta takes over.

The luteal phase of ovarian cycle tend to be between eleven to sixteen days in length.

The entire Ovulation Process takes around twenty four to thirty six days to complete.


Get pregnant by Overcoming a Lazy Ovary

Lazy ovary on its own is one of the common organic causes of infertility or inability of a healthy woman to get pregnant despite several attempts.

A woman visits her infertility doctor and he tells her that one of her pairs of ovary is lazy and does not produce eggs because the ovarian follicles don't seem to be developing or enlarging within the ovary to nourish the eggs. There is no internal evidence of egg maturation and ovulation or release of eggs from the lazy side. Just as people could have dorminant hand or dominant ear which could be lelft or right, so is the ovaries. Genenerally, there is always a dorminant ovary--the active one; and the lazy ovary the inactive or atrophic one. It could be the left or right depending on genetic programming.

Lazy ovary could be caused by hereditory weakness, hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, aging process, poor circulation due to plaques, or acid degeneration within the ovaries. It could also be due to toxic pollution of the ovaries by heavy metals. Remember that the ovaries are prone to poor blood supply, nutrient depletion and oxygen deprivation compared to other organs like the liver and the kidneys. Moreover the lazy ovary seem to be affected by toxins more because a weak organ always shuts down to preserve energy. Any weak organ is also prone to toxin accumulation because of anerobic glycolysis. Any weak cell is an inefficient cell and does not perform as well. Atrophy is the fancy name given to a weak organ that shrinks because of lack of nutrients. That's why the lazy ovary or ovaries look smaller than normal. The cells that produce eggs within the ovary seem to be replaced with fibers or cysts and can't reproduce as usual. Endometriosis in one of the ovaries can cause scarring and shrinking. This is why lazy overy is one of the major reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant.

Externally there may or may not be symptoms and it is only discovered on routine examination or infertility evaluation. A a lazy ovary may be accompanied by irregular menses due to increasing FSH trying to stimulate the ovaries. The menstraul cycle may be regular 28 days for two months and subsequent couple of months may switch to 34 day cycle without evidence of ovulation judging from the test with ovulation kit. The progesterone may be low. This is why lazy ovary is associated with progesterone deficiency--the so called luteal phase deficiency.

What happens is that after ovulation, the yellowish body that remains is called corpus luteum. Corpus is latin for body and luteum means yellow. Therefore, corpus luteum means yellowish body. It is this organ that secretes progesterone. Without ovulation, there is no corpus luteum without which there is little or no progesterone. This causes estrogen action to remain unopposed and perpetuate infertility.

Sometimes a lazy ovary may be a good indication for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) like IVF or IUI especially if it is associated with tubal blockage from adhesions or fibrosis on the dominant working ovary. Of course, a women can have all her kids with only one active ovary as long as the fallopian tube is patent and healthy.

To get pregnant, you must overcome lazy ovary to increase your chances. You have to nourish the ovary back to optimum health and function. Give the body adequate amount of right nutrients, oxygen through alkaline diet, systemic enzyme therapy as well as aggressive detoxification and colon cleansing. I found that the liver and blood cleansing is necessary before the ovaries bounces back to life. Green super food like wheat cereal grasses, sprouts, and raw wholesome foods like tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus, broccoli and bitters that help the detoxification work of the liver. The ovaries love zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B-complex which also balances the hormones which is critical in ovarian retoration, ovulation and getting pregnant.

10 causes of infertility that may hinder a woman from becoming pregnant

1, Hormonal imbalance which could be nutritional, emotional, microbiological, chemical or biochemical. The human body was designed to be balanced. Any disorganization of this delicate hormonal balance may prevent a woman from getting pregnant or a man from impregnating a woman. Estrogen excess, high levels of FSH, low progesterone, high prolacin, and excess cortisol all contribute to the woman's inability to get pregnant and to some extent male impotency.

2. Poor circulation due to acidic wastes, pollutants and debris accummulation. Yes, toxins tend to bioaccummulate with advancing age. Stagnation and sluggish organs are the mother of all diseases which laboratory tests may not pick up.

3. Lazy ovary (and or luteal phase defect): This is sometimes called anovulation (no ovulation) whicn is a fancy way of saying that a woman cannot mature and release her eggs from the ovaries. As much as 40% of female infertility has been attributed to this phenomenon. Also in luteal phase defect, progesterone (hormone of pregnancy) is not produced complicating the woman's inability to get pregnant.

4. Heavy metal intoxication like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and calcium leading to plaque build-up and arterioslerosis which goes back to poor circulation and sluggishness of sex organ (eg. ovarian failure).

5. Polycystic ovarin syndrome or simply ovarian cysts: Here empty or fluid filled holes occupy ovaries instead of follicles that contain the ovum or the maturing eggs. If don't make the eggs, you cannot make the baby.

6. Endometriosis and adenomyosis: Here there is abnormal deposition of tissues lining the uterus in the wrong places causing inflammation, excruciating pelvic pains, painful intercourse, bleeding, irregular menses, scarring, sex organ deformity and inability to get pregnant.

7. Obesity and isulin resistance: Too much fat act as tiny estrogen factories behaving as endocrine organs that create more estradiol (bad estrogen), inflammation and fibrosis. Sex or steroid hormones (estrogen and cortisol) can also raise insulin levels which can have a detrimental effect on a woman's ability to get pregnant. Estrogen can also cause chemical castration of the male--resulting to impotence and infertility.

8. Structural abnormality of the reproductive organs such as the ovaries, the uterus and fallopian tubes in females; and the prostate, seminal vesicle, the testicles and male urethra.

9. Male infertility factors should not be ignored. Majority of cases centers around semen profile and analysis. Male infertility causative and contributory factors is said to be 40%.

10. The psycological and spiritual factors should not be forgotten. The brain controls everything including the hormones and reproduction. Most unexplained factors lie in the region of the psycho-spiritual. Mind-body medicine is almost unknown in orthodox medical practice.

What is Female infertility? What's Male Fertility or Potency?

Another look at the definition and description of Infertility

Infertility means the inability to conceive or the inability to carry a pregnancy to term and deliver it. On the other hand, male infertility is the inability of a man to impregnate a woman. In other words, male infertility is known as impotence. A less often used synonym (words with similar meaning) for infertility in both sexes is sterility. You know, Of course, that the opposite of infertility (no fertility) is fertility meaning that you can reproduce.

The root word, "infertile" from where infertility is derived means unproductive or barren (used most often by the Holy Bible). Therefore, you cannot find infertility in the Bible which rather uses the word "barrenness" to mean the same thing.

I must say that unexplained infertility is not a gynecological or obstetric condition per say but an disorder of internal health. Most naturopathic physicians attribute infertility to "an imbalance in the body." It could be structural, inflammatory, biochemical, nutritional or hormonal imbalance. This is because many infertile people or couple are perfectly  normal and healthy on the outside yet cannot conceive inwardly or deliver a baby. The ability (or inability) to conceive or reproduce is a complex multi-factorial phenomenon that involves well-nourished couple, maturation and release of healthy eggs, patent fallopian tubes, quality sperm to fertilize the egg, well nourished uterus for implantation, and adequate hormonal balance to sustain pregnancy. Other unseen factors like psycho-spiritual elements may play a role as well. These include stress, distress, mood, habits, unforgiveness, generation curses in the bloodline, and demons (spiritual husband or wives). Sometimes it may be the conscious or unconscious decision of one of the couple not to have children or more children. If this is unknown to one of the partners, they may not conceive until they have a mutual agreement to do so.

Infertility is actually a way the body is warning you that something is wrong and needed to be fixed. This is because reproductive organs are the last to be affected when other organs are imbalanced or diseased from any cause. Remember that the first law of nature is self-preservation and perpetuation of its specie.

Don't forget that the causes of infertility are fairly equally distributed in men and women. About 40% of infertility causes is said to be due to male factors. Another 40% are attributed to female infertility causes. Ten percent of the causes of infertility is shared by both male and female; and the remaining 10% is said to be unknown or explained.

Three Classes, Types and Definition of Female Infertility

From medical point of view, female infertility is defined according to 3 main classes or types:

1. Primary Infertility--This is inability to conceive for the first time (and deliver) after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. This is American OBGYN definition (OBGYN is an acronym for Obstetrics and Gynecology). In Europe, primary infertility is the inability to conceive after two years of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. This definition is for a woman under 35 years. Above the age of 35, primary infertility is defined as inability to conceive after 6 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Most people, including doctors, tend to focus more on this type of infertility which is less common than secondary infertility.

2. Secondary Infertility--This is the inability to conceive again and deliver a baby after having one or more children. Secondary infertility is less obvious and less noticeable when compared to primary infertility or miscarriages. Secondary infertility is more than twice the incidence of primary infertility. It is the most common type of infertility. People tend to advice the couple who are already parents to be content with the child or the children they already have. They see them as greedy when they clamor for more because people tend to compare them with parents who are childless.
However, the type that causes the greatest pain, emotional turmoil and grief because it involves loss is the third type.

3. Miscarriage--This is the inability to carry gestation to term and deliver it. A miscarriage is the common name given to unintentional loss of viable pregnancy on or before 20th week. Most miscarriages or spontaneous abortions happen before the13th week of pregnancy. Most women hate to think that they aborted their own babies. The keyword word here is "intentional" otherwise the definition is that of abortion (conscious decision to terminate pregnancy by the woman and her doctor). There are different types of pregnancy miscarriages but the type that is relevant to the definition of infertility is recurrent miscarriages. It is estimated that between 10 to 25% of early gestation end in a miscarriage. Three or more miscarriages (regardless of cause) are classified by as infertility. Bear in mind that giving birth to a dead baby at term is known as still birth and it's not part of the definition and classification of infertility.

You notice timing is of essence in the definition and description of infertility regardless of type. This is because the chances of getting pregnant becomes more difficult as time progresses especially in women. "A women is supposed to conceive and conclude early," says one pastor friend of mine. "Pregnancy after 30 is a disaster," says one gynecologist. Delay spells danger when it comes to conception and pregnancy. However, as long as a woman is still seeing her menses, there is always hope. People have been know to get pregnant even during peri-menopause and menopause (one year of normal changes before final cessation of menses. After this period, it is called post menopause. You can only lose hope after menopause which signals the end of reproductive period. The average is usually around 50.

Regardless of the type or definition of infertility, the evaluation, tests and management remains the same procedure or protocols. The accurate treatment any type of infertility depends on identifying the cause. The only missing link in most infertility evaluation by conventional doctors or reproductive endocrinologist is not associating infertility with nutrition.

Infertility seems to be increasing in incidence. About 30 years ago, only one in ten couple are infertile, today the incidence is one in six. The ignored reason is the proliferation of toxins and chemical pollutants in our food chain and water supply.

The Gender (Female and Male) Differences in fertility, Infertility and Conception

When it comes to fertility, men and women are totally different. A woman is already preprogrammed at birth with finite bank account of eggs when she arrives on this planet. The ovary is only responsible for maturing and releasing eggs. They cannot make new ones unlike the man. Yes, woman is born with 300,000 primitive eggs in her ovaries. She continues to lose them as years go by. At her peak reproductive period around 24 or 25, she has less than 100,000 eggs. At 30, it is less than 50,000 and it goes down rapidly from there such that at 35, she may be left with only 15 per month. At 40, the number dwindles to about 5 released eggs a month. At 45, she is left with 2 or 3 a month. At peri-menopause, it is 1 or 2. And at menopause, 1 or none. Please note here fertility or ovarian cycle (as sketched out above) is more important in timing pregnancy than concomitant menstrual cycle. A women can even get pregnant before noticing that she has missed her menstrual period which is less reliable especially if it is irregular.

On the other hand, a man can continue to be potent and produce spermatozoa or seed well past his nineties or even beyond. Both testicles are designed to reproduce perpetually although sperm quality and quantity may continue to decrease with increasing age. However, men can continue to be potent for the rest of their lives. In the Bible, Abraham fathered Isaac at the age ripe old age of 100 and even married Ketura and produced more children after Sarah died many years later.


For a woman, infertility is the inability to conceive or sustain a pregnancy while man infertility means the inability to impregnate a woman to reproduce. Infertility could be primary because a woman has never conceived in her life or secondary if a woman who had a child or children but could not reproduce despite series of tries. A woman who has experienced spontaneous loss of pregnancies (3 or more times) is also classified as an infertile woman.
Like most issues in life, getting pregnant is a probability that involves complex interplay and inter-action of factors. The married couple or a woman woman in particular has one chance in every monthly cycle to get pregnant during her reproductive period. Until the end of her menopause, she still has a chance to get pregnant.


Endometriosis, How to Combat Infertility and Get Pregnant Naturally

Endometriosis is one of the common women fibrotic diseases. Meaning that fibrosis and inflammation are central to the disease mechanism. As such, pain and menstrual bleeding are symptoms of this disease. Endometriosis is a common organic cause of infertility in women. Doctors have treated it by surgery, steroids, lupron and pain killers like aspirin, ibuprofen and advil without much success.

How to Get Pregnant: Eating for Two Before the Two

Do you want to get pregnant? Then change what you are thinking, eating and drinking on a daily basis. Have you ever heard of the phrase, "eating for two?" I am sure you have. Well, then start eating a nutritious diet if you want to get pregnant (the second life within you). Everything works with the law of probability: "If you don't first start eating for two to be ready to become pregnant," then probability is that you may not get there. This is not just a leap of faith, but a statement of fact. Remember that you grow on what you feed on. Food is everything. If you don't nourish your body, you will not nourish and feed your reproductive organs including maturing and releasing eggs from the ovaries. If you don't make and release a healthy egg, you are not going to have a healthy baby. You are what you eat and absorb. Your nutrition affects all aspects of your cellular structure and fuction including your mind and mood--all of which shape your reproductive health. Nutrition is the basis or building blocks of all your organs and systems: systemic inflammation, immune system, your enzyme system, your blood stream, hormonal balance, metabolism, energy production as well as your genes--just to give you a glimpse of what will happen if you don't eat nutritious food. It's common sense and don't let anybody including your doctor tell you otherwise.

One faulty thinking by most doctors who are not trained in nutrition as well as mind-body medicine is that diet has nothing to do with getting pregnant, conception or reproductive health. This denial and faulty thinking has been passed to their patients for years. These patients have taken the suggestions (not solutions) of clueless doctors as laws to their own hurt. Patients are advised to conduct their own research and make wise and informed decision that will impact their getting pregnant. Most impotent men and infertile women must associate their potency, infertility and fertility or continous fertility with their diet and lifestyle.

Don't let your ignorant doctor insult your intelligence by telling you that diet has nothing to do with it. Doctors are not perfect and medicine is not an exact science. Nutrition is the foundation and epicenter of health. Any doctor practicing medicine without indept knowledge of nutrition is not only practicing an incomplete but blind medicine. The patient looking to get pregnant should bear this at the back of her mind. Your health is your responsibility and the doctor is their for consultation and expert advise on what you should do to get pregnant; however, bear in mind that the experts could be wrong just like any human being. Always get a second opionion or should I say an alternative opinion.

To learn more about how to get pregnant with fertility drugs, fertility doctors or expensive assisted reproduction procedures grab how to get pregnant, pregnancy miracle