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Get Pregnant with List of Foods that Shrink Fibroid, and Balance Hormones

Here are list of foods that are healing, immune balancing, hormone modulating and anti-inflammatory: Remember that the more organic, the better because synthetic fertilizers contain organophosphates which are estrogens. Also avoid vegetables contaminated by dioxins, pesticides, insecticides, mycoestrogens from peanuts, cashew nuts, Brazil nuts, pecans because all contain mold.

Eat non-sugary fruits and vegetables like watercress, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, romaine lettuce, kale, collard greens, beet greens, turnip greens, dandelion greens, tomatoes, okra, cucumbers, red potatoes, peppers (field peppers, bell peppers), cayenne peppers, grapefruit, lemon juice, limes, blue berries, egg plants, asparagus and curry. Organic egg is good. Cod liver oil is excellent, coconut oil is great. Fresh red palm oil is wonderful. Avoid vegetable oils like corn oil, safflower, sunflower oil, peanut oil. Olive oil should be used in moderation (organic extra virgin, cold-pressed olive oil).

Drink a lot of alkaline water. Eight cups a day is a good start. Stop all sodas. I use glacier water from vending machine. Publix and Food Depot have theirs. A gallon is like 30 cents. And avoid anything to do with tap water. Take herb or green teas. Avoid coffees.

Candida and colon cleanse is necessary apart from liver and kidney detoxification.

Birth control pills contain estrogen as well as soy milk isoflavons and genisten, flax seed lignans are all forms of plant estrogens that make fibroids grow. So avoid them. Meat and dairy are laden with too much hormones (estrogens that make beef grow). Sea foods and contaminated fishes that eat them are also full of chemicals and heavy metals. Hence aggressive cleansing is necessary with treatment.

Here are the list of herbs/vegetables to avoid: Anise, hops, fennel, black cohosh,
milk thistle, clover, red clover, Donq Quai, licorice, ginseng, royal jelly, peony, nettle, sage, fenugreek, evening primrose oil, burdock, rhubarb, chamomile, sarsaparilla, French bean, date palm, dates, garlic, pomegranate, apple, soybean, chick pea, cherry, alfalfa, soya sprouts, cow pea, green beans, red beans, split pea, flaxseed, raspberry, carrot, squash, thyme and parsley.

Avoid all forms of processed and fragmented foods like commercial pounded yams, cookies, bubble gums, commercial sweeteners, table salt or sugar., potato chips, white pasta, white rice, fried stuff (French fries, fried plantains, fried onions, fried meats), commercial fruit juices, sodas and other chemicalized soft drinks, soymilk, bread with yeast and gluten, cow milk, bagels, canned and packaged foods, raisins and dried fruits, cheese, butter, margarine, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, trans fats, lards, commercial cereals, hot dogs, sausages, bacons, apple pies, moon pies and pizzas. Just to name a few. Eat farm fresh foods, raw living foods and sprouts prepared by you.

Stress also makes fibroid to grow as well as obesity. Weight loss is recommended because fat cells are tiny estrogen factories. Estrogen provoke fibroids which in turn secret more estrogen which can prevent a woman from getting pregnant.


Inability to Get Pregnant and Uterine Fibroids

Infertility or inability to get pregnant could be caused by uterine fibroids. Fibroid growth causes about 5% of infertility in women hindering them from getting pregnant and conceiving a baby. Fibroids are classified as one of the women fibrosis diseases including endometriosis, ovarian cysts, tubal adhesions, and adenomyosis.

Fibroid increases the risk of not getting pregnant in 3 ways:
  • .Depending on the size and position of the fibroids within the uterus, they can hinder implantation of a fertilized ovum. This is especially true of sub-mucous fibroid.
  • They can get inflammed, causing scarring, pain and fibrosis distorting the architecture of the uterine cavity and provoking tubal adhesions and blockage--which increases the risk of not getting pregnant at all or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Fibroid can worsen the hormonal imbalance or estrogen excess that created it in the first place. The fibroid itself can make more estrogens like fat cells which further goes to create more vicious cycle that complicates infertility.
  • Even when the woman becomes pregnant, fibroids can cause spontaneous abortion in early first trimester. Recurrent early trimester abortion has been classified as infertility as such a risk factor for not getting pregnant by a women in her reproductive period.