Listed below are 10 causes or contributory risk factors hindering a female from getting pregnant or causing male infertility. The cause may overlap as infertility may be caused by interplay of many factors.
1. Hormonal imbalance which could be nutritional, emotional, microbiological, chemical or biochemical. The human body was designed to be balanced. Any disorganization in this delicate hormonal balance may prevent a woman from getting conceived or a gentleman from impregnating a female. Estrogen excess, high levels of FSH, low progesterone, high prolacin, and excess cortisol all contribute to the woman's inability to get pregnant and to some extent male impotency.
2. Poor circulation to reproductive organs. This is because of acidic wastes, pollutants and debris accummulation as time progresses. Yes, toxins usually tend to bioaccummulate with advancing age. Stagnation and sluggish organs could be the mother of every disease which laboratory tests may not reveal.
3. Lazy ovary (and or luteal phase defect): This is sometimes called anovulation (no ovulation) whicn is usually a fancy way of saying that a woman cannot mature and release her eggs that came from the ovaries. As many as 40% of female infertility continues to be due to this phenomenon. Also in luteal phase defect, progesterone (hormone of pregnancy) will not be produced complicating the woman's inability for getting pregnant.
4. Heavy metal intoxication like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and calcium leading to plaque build-up and arterioslerosis which takes us back to poor circulation and sluggishness of sex organs (eg. primary ovarian failure or erectile dysfunction in men).
5. Polycystic ovarian syndrome or just ovarian cysts: Here empty or fluid filled holes occupy ovaries rather than follicles that include the ovum as well as maturing eggs. If a woman doesn't make the eggs, she cannot produce the baby
6. Endometriosis and adenomyosis: Here there's abnormal deposition of tissues lining the uterus within the wrong places causing inflammation, excruciating pelvic pains, painful intercourse, bleeding, irregular menses, scarring, sex organ deformity and inability to become pregnant.
7. Obesity and isulin resistance: Excessive fat act as tiny estrogen factories behaving as endocrine organs that create more estradiol (bad estrogen), inflammation and fibrosis. Sex or steroid hormones (estrogen and cortisol) could also raise blood insulin levels which can have a detrimental effect for the woman's ability to conceive a baby. Estrogen is also capable of causing chemical castration of both male and female--resulting to impotence and infertility.
8. Structural abnormality of the many reproductive organs for example the ovaries, the uterus and vulva in females; and the prostate, seminal vesicle, the testicles and male urethra. All can cause infertility.
9. Male infertility factors shouldn t be ignored. Majority ofthe cases centers around semen profile and analysis. Male infertility causative and contributory factors are considered to be 40%.
10. The psycological and spiritual factors need not to be forgotten. The health of the brain controls everything including the hormones and reproduction. Most unexplained factors in infertility causes lie in the region of the psycho-spiritual. Mind-body medicine is almost unknown in orthodox medical practice.
Uzo Onukwugha, MD discusses proven methods to combat infertility, enhance fertility and become pregnant.
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