Endometriosis is one of the common women fibrotic diseases. Meaning that fibrosis and inflammation are central to the disease mechanism. As such, pain and menstrual bleeding are symptoms of this disease. Endometriosis is a common organic cause of infertility in women. Doctors have treated it by surgery, steroids, lupron and pain killers like aspirin, ibuprofen and advil without much success.
Endometriosis occurs when tissues from the inner covering of the uterus or tissues resembling the uterine lining grow outside of the uterus, usually within or adjacent pelvic area, but sometimes spreading to distant organs or tissures of the body as well. This displaced tissue gets inflammed, swells and bleeds wherever it is deposited with every monthly cycle, just as if it were uterine tissue in normal location. This can cause unbearable pain, nausea, heavy menstrual periods, painful intercourse, and unfortunately, infertility. Diagnosis is sometimes difficult, as the symptoms imitate other female fibrotic diseases, such as uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary disease, adenomyosis, irregula menses, endometrial hyperplasia, and PMS (with painful menstruation).
The root cause of endometriosis has not been explored. It has been difficult to determine what causes an endometrial tissues or cells to migrate elsewhere within the human body. There are many unproven theories. However, there are many predisposing or contributory risk factors that have been explained. These include inflammatory foods or drinks like excessive alcohol intake, coffee consumption, hormone imbalances, estrogen excess, progesterone deficiency, distress, low blood glucose, and a deficiency of essential minerals like zinc and magnesium within the body, as well as genetic predisposition. Estrogen mimics like Dioxin and PCB absorption into the body are also contributing risk factors. Dioxins come from bleaching agents, and it is found in everything from processed foods to vaginal tampons.
Natural remedies and Herb combinations have proven to be very beneficial in treating many cases of endometriosis, in non-emergency cases. natural remedy does not always eliminate causes and symptoms of endometriosis, however, given the nature of the disease, herbs should always be coupled with wholistic nutritional, psycho-spiritual pain management and support. Natural remedies are slow, steady and sustained, and should be continued for a length of time to experience maximum benefit. Therefore, you have to be patient and persistent.
The endometriosis patient should change to natural whole food therapy and lifestyle changes by introducing raw, living and green super foods. Animal flesh and fats are toxic to the human specie and can cause inflammation and aggravation of pain sensations. Meats are full of growth hormones and also absorb dioxins, so do your best to avoid fatty meats. Cut down on meat, chicken and turkey. Eat plenty of fresh green leafy vegetables and whole unprocessed grains, as well living foods like sprouts. Avoid the aggravating factors like coffee, alcoholic beverages, fried foods, processed or fast sugars, and chemicalized or packaged foods. Daily dietary supplements should include bee products, vitamins E, vitamin C with citrus bioflavanoids, vitamin A (with Beta carotenes), and adequate dose of vitamin D, bioflavanoids, Essential fatty acids like chia seed oil, and evening primrose oil.
Liver and colon detoxification and cleansing may be necessary to eliminate bioaccummulated toxins. Also engage in light fast of about three days or so, to help cleanse the body and support the liver during treatment. The liver deals with the excess estrogen that is believed to be a causative agent or major contributing factor to endometriosis, so the over-worked liver needs to be supported and detoxified continuosly during treatment.
Start with a liver cleansing herb in combination. Look for supplements that combine milk thistle, dandelion, pau d'arco, yarrow, burdock root and beet root.
You can add black cohosh and essential fatty acids with evening primerose to combat excess estrogen, menstrual pain and inflammation. Wild yam, vitex and sarsaprilla are added to boost progesterone to balance excess estrogen levels.
The new treatment that seem to address all the concerns, causative risk factors, contributing factors and symptoms of endometriosis is systemic (proteolytic) enzymes like nattokinase and serrapeptase. They are anti-oxidative, blood-cleansing, anti-inflammatory, fibrosis combating, immune-modulating and hormone-balancing--among other side benefits. They are sometimes the only remedy for the pain and discomfort when nothing else works. They have been used in opening up a blocked fallopian tube even when surgeries failed or are contra-indicated. They have also been used to prevent recurrent miscarriages which is a type of inflammation leading to fetal rejection. Women with 3 or more miscarriages are classified as infertile.
To Get Pregnant, you must reverse the causes of infertility: hormonal imbalance, fibroids, ovarian cysts, tubal adhesions, endometriosis and male factors or road blocks to getting pregnant. To become pregnant involves combating infertility, enhancing fertility and reproductive health. All causes and classification of infertility: primary infertility, secondary infertility, miscarriages and impotence are discussed. Solutions and not just suggestions or pet theories are given.
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Get Pregnant by Finding and Fixing Hormonal Imbalance, the Cause of Infertility
The unexplained cause infertility or sub-fertility is the delicate hormonal imbalance of a women in her reproductive period of life. This is the time frame between menarche (first mensis) and menopause when (mensis cease). In men this period is ill-defined and we tend to called it andropause. Majority of infertility other causes are secondary to hormonal imbalance due to bad estrogen (estradiol, E2) dominance over progesterone (hormone of pregnancy or reproduction) or testosterone (controls sexual libido in both men and women). Elevated estrogen also stimulate the pathological rise of another anti-fertility hormone called prolactin (the hormone that prevents pregnancy during lactation). Elevated estradiol also tend to raise another hormone produced by the adrenals called cortisol (a stress hormone along with epinephrine and norepinephrine). Cortisol can raise the level of insulin and can also cause testosterone to be converted to the hormone of hair loss dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is five times more potent than testosterone. DHT along with estrogen (estradiol) are free-radical-generating, inflammatory, auto-immune-generating and fibrosis-striving.
All these hormones are in turn controlled by the brain in a cascade of musical orchestra called the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis (the gonads are sex organs like ovaries in females or testicles in men) Therefore, mental stress or psycho-spiritual factors can cause infertility by distrupting the delicate and intricate hormonal cascade sketched out above.
Let's not forget thyroid hormone in the infertility equation. The thyroid is the butterfly-shaped organ just below the so called Adam's apple (the thyroid cartilage prominence). Estradiol again prevents the uptake of thyroid hormone and prevents thyroid hormone (T4) from being converted to T3 (triidothyronine) the active hormone responsible for metabolism, mood, heat and temperature regulation--among other numerous function. If the thyroid hormone is low, it will signal the body to stop pregnancy and miscarriage may result.
Don't forget the biggest internal organ in the body called the liver. The liver even controls ovulation according to Chinese medicine. This organ is central to hormonal balance and regulation in the human body. All steroid (sex) hormones are made from cholesterol 80% of which is made by the liver. Therefore, proper functioning liver is critical for conception and overall health without which conception cannot happen. The liver eliminates excess estrogen from the body after it has done its job. The liver is like the president of the body and tend to correct derangement of other hormones when it is in top form and function. That's why it's called the liver.
The key in healing infertility is not just eliminating estrogen excess (or progesterone deficiency) but balancing all the hormones because the body craves balance and nature tends towards wholeness. Therefore the treatment of infertility must involve a multi-pronged approach based on wholistic view of the inter-play of all the sex hormones.
Liver friendly diet is the first line of action in correcting hormonal imbalance. This include wholesome living foods, green super foods (cereal grasses) and raw uncooked foods (avocado, tomatoes, mangoes, sprouts, green leavy vegetables) that are rich in enzymes. I have seen raw foods correct hormonal imbalance even without supplements Supplements are necessary but are not substitute for whole unfragmented, unprocessed super food that nourish the body and prime it for fertility ready to carry a baby.
Supplements that correct the hormonal imbalance include magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B-complex especially B6. They also help the detoxification work of the liver along with taurine, choline, lecithin, milk thistle, yellow dock, and dandelion. Estrogen cleanse is a supplement combination of 9 herbs and vitamins that you can use to cleanse excess estradiol and keep your hormones in balance. The ingredients include vitamin C, choline barbiturate, folate, vitamin B12, B6, Diindolylmethane (DIM), d-calcium glucarate, chrysin, and rosemary.
Other psycho-spiritual approaches to reverse infertility is to control stress and distress since the body reacts to stress in the same fashion regardless of the cause: emotional, relational, nutritional, mental, toxic, or physical stress. Support and tender loving care can go a long way in reversing infertility and enhancing fertility as well as conception.
Uzo Onukwugha, MD is a wholistic nutrition-oriented physician who seeks natural remedies to health challenges. For more informatin on how to reverse infertility, boost fertility and conceive a healthy baby, see his website at: http://www.infertilityremedy.com
All these hormones are in turn controlled by the brain in a cascade of musical orchestra called the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis (the gonads are sex organs like ovaries in females or testicles in men) Therefore, mental stress or psycho-spiritual factors can cause infertility by distrupting the delicate and intricate hormonal cascade sketched out above.
Let's not forget thyroid hormone in the infertility equation. The thyroid is the butterfly-shaped organ just below the so called Adam's apple (the thyroid cartilage prominence). Estradiol again prevents the uptake of thyroid hormone and prevents thyroid hormone (T4) from being converted to T3 (triidothyronine) the active hormone responsible for metabolism, mood, heat and temperature regulation--among other numerous function. If the thyroid hormone is low, it will signal the body to stop pregnancy and miscarriage may result.
Don't forget the biggest internal organ in the body called the liver. The liver even controls ovulation according to Chinese medicine. This organ is central to hormonal balance and regulation in the human body. All steroid (sex) hormones are made from cholesterol 80% of which is made by the liver. Therefore, proper functioning liver is critical for conception and overall health without which conception cannot happen. The liver eliminates excess estrogen from the body after it has done its job. The liver is like the president of the body and tend to correct derangement of other hormones when it is in top form and function. That's why it's called the liver.
The key in healing infertility is not just eliminating estrogen excess (or progesterone deficiency) but balancing all the hormones because the body craves balance and nature tends towards wholeness. Therefore the treatment of infertility must involve a multi-pronged approach based on wholistic view of the inter-play of all the sex hormones.
Liver friendly diet is the first line of action in correcting hormonal imbalance. This include wholesome living foods, green super foods (cereal grasses) and raw uncooked foods (avocado, tomatoes, mangoes, sprouts, green leavy vegetables) that are rich in enzymes. I have seen raw foods correct hormonal imbalance even without supplements Supplements are necessary but are not substitute for whole unfragmented, unprocessed super food that nourish the body and prime it for fertility ready to carry a baby.
Supplements that correct the hormonal imbalance include magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B-complex especially B6. They also help the detoxification work of the liver along with taurine, choline, lecithin, milk thistle, yellow dock, and dandelion. Estrogen cleanse is a supplement combination of 9 herbs and vitamins that you can use to cleanse excess estradiol and keep your hormones in balance. The ingredients include vitamin C, choline barbiturate, folate, vitamin B12, B6, Diindolylmethane (DIM), d-calcium glucarate, chrysin, and rosemary.
Other psycho-spiritual approaches to reverse infertility is to control stress and distress since the body reacts to stress in the same fashion regardless of the cause: emotional, relational, nutritional, mental, toxic, or physical stress. Support and tender loving care can go a long way in reversing infertility and enhancing fertility as well as conception.
Uzo Onukwugha, MD is a wholistic nutrition-oriented physician who seeks natural remedies to health challenges. For more informatin on how to reverse infertility, boost fertility and conceive a healthy baby, see his website at: http://www.infertilityremedy.com
Get Pregnant Fast with EDTA Chelation
One of the leading causes of inability to get pregnant which is unknown in orthodox medicine is artherosclerosis, calcification and solidification of the ovaries. Plaques tend to accumulate with age and must be cleaned if the woman must improve her chances of getting pregnant.
Let me tell you a little about toxin build-up in the body. With the aging process, the ovaries begin to shut down because of poor blood, less oxygen and nutrient supply. You could say that the ovary is dying of starvation and suffocation. Any nutrient deficient cell is an inefficient and weak cell. As time progresses, the weaker cell is malnourished begin to accumulate more toxins due to lack of drainage. This is because 85% of cellular energy is used for detoxification and drainage which requires a lot of enzymes, nutrients and oxygen. When a gland like the ovary is deprived of nutrients, it begins to slow down to preserve energy leading to further build-up of toxins and debris. This process must be reversed by EDTA chelation, raw food, enzymes, anti-oxidants, alkaline food and adequate oxygenation.
What are heavy metals? Well heavy metals are minerals which are 5,000 times heavier than specific gravity of water. They build-up with time and contaminate our environment, body, soil, food, water and drink. They include lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and nickel--to mention a few. Aaluminium is not a heavy metal but behave as such. Heavy metals cause oxidation, plaques, deplete enzymes, disrupt metabolism, and slow down cellular structure and function causing stagnation. Calcium behaves a heavy metal in an acidic body. Calcium causes artheroslcerosis and calcification of organs and blood vessels thereby compromising their functions. In short, all heavy metal accelerate the aging process and cause hormonal imbalance which is a factor in getting pregnant.
According to Life Extension Foundation, aging is characterized by inflammation, glycosylation and mitochondrial degeneration. These three factors are also seen in the bio-accummulation of arteriosclerotic plaques in the body which affects the woman's physiology and inability to get pregnant. This is because the ovary is hidden in the pelvic cavity and is subject to poor circulation. Heavy metal build-up is part of atheromatous plaques hindering maturation and release of eggs from the ovaries.
Oral chelation can clean-up of the arteries which can restore circulation and clean the ovaries so that they can start performing once more. In addition to chelation, the infertile woman must switch over to alkaline diet. Full of raw green super foods, sprouts, living food and aggressive supplementation with EDTA, malic acid, NAC and selenium. Zinc is also a heavy metal antagonist and must be taken along with magnesium to balance the hormone also. Heavy metal pollution tend to disrupt the body's delicate hormonal balance. Hormonal balance is necessary to achieve and sustain pregnancy. Synergistic combination of zinc, magnesium and B6 can balance hormones. These supplements are not substitutes to wholesome food intake to help restore the ovaries for vibrant reproductive health. Introduce raw salads like spinach, watercress, tomatoes, bitters, sweet potatoes, fibers and green super foods.
For more information, on how to get pregnant fast, see the pregnancy miracle.
Let me tell you a little about toxin build-up in the body. With the aging process, the ovaries begin to shut down because of poor blood, less oxygen and nutrient supply. You could say that the ovary is dying of starvation and suffocation. Any nutrient deficient cell is an inefficient and weak cell. As time progresses, the weaker cell is malnourished begin to accumulate more toxins due to lack of drainage. This is because 85% of cellular energy is used for detoxification and drainage which requires a lot of enzymes, nutrients and oxygen. When a gland like the ovary is deprived of nutrients, it begins to slow down to preserve energy leading to further build-up of toxins and debris. This process must be reversed by EDTA chelation, raw food, enzymes, anti-oxidants, alkaline food and adequate oxygenation.
What are heavy metals? Well heavy metals are minerals which are 5,000 times heavier than specific gravity of water. They build-up with time and contaminate our environment, body, soil, food, water and drink. They include lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and nickel--to mention a few. Aaluminium is not a heavy metal but behave as such. Heavy metals cause oxidation, plaques, deplete enzymes, disrupt metabolism, and slow down cellular structure and function causing stagnation. Calcium behaves a heavy metal in an acidic body. Calcium causes artheroslcerosis and calcification of organs and blood vessels thereby compromising their functions. In short, all heavy metal accelerate the aging process and cause hormonal imbalance which is a factor in getting pregnant.
According to Life Extension Foundation, aging is characterized by inflammation, glycosylation and mitochondrial degeneration. These three factors are also seen in the bio-accummulation of arteriosclerotic plaques in the body which affects the woman's physiology and inability to get pregnant. This is because the ovary is hidden in the pelvic cavity and is subject to poor circulation. Heavy metal build-up is part of atheromatous plaques hindering maturation and release of eggs from the ovaries.
- Inflammation is a fancy way of saying the the body is burning (acid burns) within and need alkaline food to neutralize.
- Glycosylation or glycation is non-enzymatic oxidation of proteins and fats by sugar molecules. Pretty much like a barbecued meat that was roasted on fire. This shortens the length of the telomere much like eating away the plastic end of your shoe lace.
- Mitochondrial degeneration shows that the power house of the cell where energy is produced is gradually decaying. This leads to lack of force or energy to run the metabolism of the body.
Oral chelation can clean-up of the arteries which can restore circulation and clean the ovaries so that they can start performing once more. In addition to chelation, the infertile woman must switch over to alkaline diet. Full of raw green super foods, sprouts, living food and aggressive supplementation with EDTA, malic acid, NAC and selenium. Zinc is also a heavy metal antagonist and must be taken along with magnesium to balance the hormone also. Heavy metal pollution tend to disrupt the body's delicate hormonal balance. Hormonal balance is necessary to achieve and sustain pregnancy. Synergistic combination of zinc, magnesium and B6 can balance hormones. These supplements are not substitutes to wholesome food intake to help restore the ovaries for vibrant reproductive health. Introduce raw salads like spinach, watercress, tomatoes, bitters, sweet potatoes, fibers and green super foods.
For more information, on how to get pregnant fast, see the pregnancy miracle.
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